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moving on

September 24th, 2020 at 04:16 am

i have had the opportunity to change jobs as i usually take temp assignments that end and i can find a spot in a different industry or setting.
I was talking with a friend recently and we spoke of changing jobs she never has spending many years working at the same company sure at different levels but basically the same place.
I did that early on and I was so glad to leave and found far more fascinating work.

I am just curious as to what is the decision to leave for many people. I cannot seem to find a reason to Stay anywhere had plenty of offers but i think if i am not semi happy about the work or proud of the company etc i have a hard time trying to stay.

I asked my friend what would you do if you drove to your work and saw the whole thing in flames what would be the first thing that crosses your mind...

1. unemployment or working at alternate site until rebuilt?
2. finding something else?

3. cartwheels that it has finally ended .....

she laughed and said #1 and that is when I realized I am at a #3 at my current place.

I feel bad in a way that i took it upon myself to learn far more then they expected because their version of the job was not enough work and super boring..... but now i see i just cant see myself here much longer.

I was wondering what moments other had that just said time to go.....

phone call day

September 2nd, 2020 at 08:25 pm

so i have been putting off some items simply because i have no desire to get stuff done lately

an item i ordered 6 weeks ago that has 2-3 day shipping still a problem when i called them before a week after product was due it was a nightmare with customer service person just insisted NOTHING could be done UNLESS i give them my email.
so a month later no refund and no product ..... i called again In their time frame for customer service listed and just got a voicemail i asked for call back but nothing so far,

next call to IRS since the where is my payment site keeps telling me ... no match for both mine and husbands info .... the phone # given gets you to a call center that can take NO personal information they basically just read the answers from the FAQ page on the website....
i explained i needed to talk to a person to find out why they say no match even though our taxes for last few years were processed no problems.

they transferred me.... went through many press 1 press 2 etc prompts only to be hung up on.

i have a few more calls to make but this has been a very frustrating morning.

always a catch

August 8th, 2020 at 01:12 am

ordering products online...

do you read various reviews and if too glowing do you question them?

do you feel like it is bait and switch when they lure you in to try a product but want you to sign up for a subscription?

I thought about trying a product as they had a special try it price.... once on website they made you jump through hoops to opt out of a monthly subscription .... why would i want to sign up for a continual delivery for an item i do not even know if i will like or if it does what the ads say?

I finally figured out a way to opt out and ordered the trial pack...they claimed 2 day shipping it has been a week....... I called and "because I did not include my email they did not process" ... there was no * saying email required.
When I pointed that out lady said "oh it was something else.... said it takes awhile to ship for some locations" even though their business office is a 20 minute drive from my house.

It was unbelievable that she would not give up on trying to get my email address. I told her to cancel the order so I will watch for my refund.
I was toying with opening a second junk email account i had one for a long time then quit using it could not remember the sign in but was told it was closed for non use by yahoo. I think it is a shame we cannot escape JUNK mail even in email.
i went through my trash file in email and counted close to 100 junk items i have UNSUBSCRIBED up to 3 times on most of this junk but it seems in 6 months they send more....

Does everyone use a second account for the BS marketing or does this not bother other people cluttering up your inbox?

never clearer

July 19th, 2020 at 04:34 pm

I was talking with a few friends and I read a great deal and always like to read comments in places that have them it shows me just how MANY people seem to think everyone is in the EXACT same circumstance.

I think People can agree on far more items then they think but too many seem to lack critical thinking about the whole pandemic thing.
Most here would say we are glad we have any kind of EF and we feel a bit more secure. Many whom still have their job may only have different protocols really do not walk in the shoes of those who have lost it all.
Those who think these programs are helping do not see the cliff ahead.... rent/ mortgage deferral is going to really snap back on many whom instead of using common sense think they NEVER have to pay back....

Those without kids may not truly see the school problem. It has been shown that ONLINE is not working for all ......studies in big cities show there are Thousands that never even logged on.
The kids who are doing well have either the desire to progress or a person maintaining the lesson plan..... the GAP in learning is widening greatly and that often translates into wide gap in finances later.
I find it sick that so many talk of schools simply as either daycare or food source for children. Teachers if older and perhaps with other conditions only are thinking of their well being NOT the learning of children.

This whole thing has depressed me that SO many simply do not take care of their own personal responsibility and instead want politicians or programs to FIX them.

The few people I know who lost their job of course are riding the "extra" unemployment but they should be thinking long term ...... the jobs listed in my area have quite a few listings not just low end items either..... for those waiting it out...... as many jobs may not come back that number of jobs GONE increases each day that areas restrict this or that.... if they wait until "extra" disappears then they will have tons
of competition for the jobs available....there is an opportunity to change things up but people seem to
ignore changes until forced into change and often with few choice at that point.

Things make no sense anymore unhealthy people have greater risk but they shut down the places designed to get people into shape .... hairdressers in MOST states their occupational license requires health concerns and how to keep customers/ themselves safe but shut those and let the kid i saw at a large store picking his nose be an ESSENTIAL worker handling food.
So many have jumped in to EXCUSE false reporting of cases :example florida labs with 100% positive results or manipulating information left out of reports..example a governor who claimed a city had their hospitalizations triple.... fact is hospital had 22 cases according to health district (5 hospitals in area)so the case before was 7? numbers kill the fear factor perhaps this guy can claim he did not LIE but anyone with common sense can see the narrative.

REALITY check many things needing to be addressed simply aren't and those who view things just by mass media and do not ask why information is NOT adding up are doomed.

candid camera

June 25th, 2020 at 03:05 pm

When I look around today I am amazed at the disconnect I see all around. where did reason go?

So many people just not thinking things through I am shaking my head... I have read articles regarding my states plan for pandemic we have had a small amount in comparison to many places but the reactions clearly do not reflect that... I saw a list ranking states by caseload how many case per 100,000 people why would states in the bottom 15 decide to try to follow states in the top 15.

Again not just addressing pocket areas of cases but instead a one size fits all mandates that have no enforcement and often loopholes you could drive a truck through.
People Need to MAKE personal health and risk decisions by themselves.

A local nursery has said NO to masks the owner said his employees have never touched their face before this as they do a lot to adjust or move masks etc... If they had anything they are spreading everywhere with their hands.
He said is customers do not want to come to his generally open air place with a few greenhouses "then Shop elsewhere",
It is insane that some have acted like he personally kicked them in the shin..... like no one in their whole life said no to them.

Friends who think they are "helping a business" by getting takeout but honestly if restaurants were not set up before this is not always working out well as added cost of take out containers and simply put some food items travel better then others....
Restaurants make money off the...
extras like beverages and desserts but these very seldom are those ordered for takeout.....if restaurants are open...just like before it is the STAFF more then the person at a table 6ft away you need to worry about that SAME staff is handling your takeout.

Finally after telling work if they have nothing for me to do I will leave ... as I cant sit for days just collecting a check ( I have had other offers).

They signed me up for more meetings where I either take minutes or just case I can add anything...... so a person has had an ongoing "concern" about limited access rooms being propped open when vendors are working in those rooms ... his concern is that thermostat is located in there and person could change the settings..... SERIOUSLY ....

meanwhile a lab has found 48 liters of a highly flammable and possibly explosive material MISSING... but yes the thermostat item is getting more attention......
This is not an age thing as i see the complete disconnect from common sense in every age range in many different education levels ... I know there is no escape but I really need some sanity lately.

no discussion

June 15th, 2020 at 04:12 pm

So I have been winding down my payments to various items because I was looking forward to my Mid-July end date from this job.
As I was going through updates/ notices regarding employees .... what do I come across a notice that MY contract was extending into next year.... NO one asked me NO one even contacted me.
Hours later I get an email from temp place saying the place I am at wants me to stay through August .....and then depending on their budget hire me permanently. I assume the extension into next year is based on if the permanent spot is not funded.... again NO ONE even asked me how I feel about it. I find it off putting that if place wants me to convert to a permanent employee perhaps they should have said something.

I am not happy about this one bit and I want to stay the course with exiting in July.

I spoke with DH and keep getting the same answer to just ride along until I find something else .... the truth is my income is extra not needed to maintain our basic COL just was adding to investments and retirement. He convinced me to move here saying i did not need to work anymore but I kept doing it to fill my days as well as boost our retirement.
I know all the lines about it is called work otherwise they would not pay you for it etc. If someone told me that in person I would slap them. I still think people should be semi content not just grit your teeth and take it. I did that to fulfill my contract even when I knew I disliked job going way back.
I also TOLD temp place how I felt in March so I feel this is especially rude to NOT ask me anything prior to me finding out how I did.

trying to see brightside

April 13th, 2020 at 05:43 pm

I know there are many different perspectives and perhaps reactions to the current stay at home world many of us are living in.
I just recently when logging in to my auto insurance see not only did our rate fall this time but the company we have is giving 20% off for April and May due to many not driving during this.
I am not going anywhere in my car except once a week to grocery. So it is a win I guess.

I have not had to get gas for over 3 weeks now so i am taking that money and putting it in one of our savings account.
It is getting hard to plan to go do anything even a month out because who knows if we will need to reschedule again and again.
Tried to clean up the yard but not sure if local garden place is open or not to get a few items I would need.
I am in need of a distraction even watching TV is becoming difficult for every commercial is pandering to the current situation and I find this somewhat irritating.
We went out once for lunch at a car hop type place thinking of supporting local business found i must be the only person in town staying in as the parking lots to ANYTHING open was full.
I know I had the virus based on hearing the symptoms of many recovered and seeing my bout in early march were remarkably the same. It was mild the cough was annoying but went away after about a week.

I wonder what type of world we will have AFTER this. while I can see the points to the distancing etc. I do not like how some are acting regarding others.
I went out quickly and saw a few whom did not wear a mask or scarf etc and people felt the urge to aggressively lecture people.... I think it does not help anything to be some self appointed expert and spouting whatever they heard at people. I hope people can be civil this clearly shows that MANY need to take a look at their own behaviors in public.

mixed bag of thoughts

March 27th, 2020 at 02:42 pm

I feel for all those out there that either are at risk and worried or having a difficult time during this crisis.
I am really done with all this BS we are getting in the media as the numbers ( often different by every source)are not making sense.they simply do NOT have REAL numbers too many may have had with mild or no symptoms and recovered these will never be confirmed.
In my area a local death was being reported without the patients age/ health issues or other complications in order i believe to LEAD the story in a way to scare more people.
The person's family came out and stated age/ previous health issues and the fact the person did NOT seek medical help until it was too late regardless that the family had urged the person to for a week. I seriously cannot trust the local news after this blatant omitting of information to fit a narrative.
I did not get out before the great TP buyout and now down to my last few rolls so will need to venture out to find supplies it has been a couple weeks i have a hard time seeing why some still have no stock of some items.
The company I am at is open and most are working from home which means even less work then i had going in but as i am doing work and no cost for commute or other expenses I actually have came out a bit ahead this last 2 weeks.
I also do not understand what some people call essential as the number of places closed here seems to be smaller then those still open as "essential"

sentimental Garbage

December 7th, 2019 at 06:45 pm

Perhaps a strange title but i was looking around my house and noticed. there are some items that need to go.

Example my son a couple of years ago managed a store at a mall and then he bought me (well meaning) a ton of scented lotions from one of those shops like Bodyworks, you know then buy three get 3 great idea if you have 6 people.. but nope mom got all 6 used some tried different scents but honestly i could grease up an elephant with this volume. I have it in a line on counter try to use as I can but in all honesty the only reason I am keeping is sentimental not functional. i have hovered over the bin but put them back on counter telling myself to use more.

I have many items like this. When my mom passed I took items from her home as memories but also because i knew she loved them . Items costume jewelry i may never wear, candles i have in boxes perhaps in a major power outage i could burn them .... pictures I have never hung .... they do bring memories but as i get older I realize they mean nothing to my own adult kids i tell them stories they nod politely but a 3rd generation candy dish is not going to be a treasure for them.
Some items may mean something to siblings but i do not talk to them at all i am thinking in some cases i took items more so they would not take and sell them at the urging of relatives ( couple siblings have issues with substance abuse) but i did not need or want some items. I am not even sure how i could return these item to them have not spoken in years. i see now sooner or later memories disappear and who know maybe these item will be a garage sale after I am gone.
what is the best way to let go.....

nudging myself to a new normal

November 10th, 2019 at 03:43 pm

I am trying to see the good in this job regardless of how boring it is.
I was upset about the decrease in savings partly because I thought some of the money was coming from a different source ( a joint account with DH)
I realize that this is not worth getting worked up about in comparison I am but should be MORE grateful that I have great flexibility in re-saving that amount etc.
I just need to refocus and plan for other items.
I am trying to think up Christmas ideas that have meaning not just gifts for gifts. I have been trying to get people experiences instead of stuff. I have 3 very different groups to buy for so it makes it especially hard but can search for ideas in my downtime at job.

well there goes some more

October 7th, 2019 at 02:20 pm

A few years ago i worked for a company that was great at hiding all their debt and bad practices. I had many friends at this place.

I left as I felt this company was very sleazy. Many friends stayed bought the lines that every company did these things whenever someone was about to get a glimpse of their DARK side. Most people whom left after me found out first hand the company was NOT whom the pretend to be to either employees or the public.

Well as I had predicted sooner or later it catches up and the company announced they will need to make cuts. I clicked on a link posted by a friend(on FB) and saw in the comments ( by employees across the company) that unlike the simple pruning they claim they made real cuts with an ax and almost the same day their public announcement came sounds a bit more serious then they let on.
I have not said a word ... yet some so- called friends (I guess think I might say "told you" ) just cut me off or blocked me. I have never said anything regarding their choice to continue working there only have told a few there are many more options out there.

I had tried to message a person before this happened but now I am sure they will not get back to me. Friends unlike money or jobs are not as easy to replace.

I recently have had the cold shoulder from a past co-worker/ friend that complained that she was not making money after daycare etc. I suggested an evening job so they could cut that expense ... OH NO she was not a retail or service industry person she was an office job type... fast forward marriage fell apart largely money issues and she is so proud of working evenings at a restaurant. so the difference must have been?