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no discussion

June 15th, 2020 at 03:12 pm

So I have been winding down my payments to various items because I was looking forward to my Mid-July end date from this job.
As I was going through updates/ notices regarding employees .... what do I come across a notice that MY contract was extending into next year.... NO one asked me NO one even contacted me.
Hours later I get an email from temp place saying the place I am at wants me to stay through August .....and then depending on their budget hire me permanently. I assume the extension into next year is based on if the permanent spot is not funded.... again NO ONE even asked me how I feel about it. I find it off putting that if place wants me to convert to a permanent employee perhaps they should have said something.

I am not happy about this one bit and I want to stay the course with exiting in July.

I spoke with DH and keep getting the same answer to just ride along until I find something else .... the truth is my income is extra not needed to maintain our basic COL just was adding to investments and retirement. He convinced me to move here saying i did not need to work anymore but I kept doing it to fill my days as well as boost our retirement.
I know all the lines about it is called work otherwise they would not pay you for it etc. If someone told me that in person I would slap them. I still think people should be semi content not just grit your teeth and take it. I did that to fulfill my contract even when I knew I disliked job going way back.
I also TOLD temp place how I felt in March so I feel this is especially rude to NOT ask me anything prior to me finding out how I did.

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