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the 8th month itch

June 8th, 2020 at 10:29 pm

My temp assignments if they are long term at least are set to expire after 9 months. I always seem to get a 8th month itch of going back and forth in trying to see IF I want to stay.

My question for all those out there what helps you make up your mind?

When you get a new job how long is it before you decide ... this is not for me or i will stay until something better comes along etc.

What are other criteria you consider... company/ schedule/ commute ?

I believe too many are in their words "stuck in some job" because they simply quit looking for something better or they would be happier at... because of pattern or convenience.

I know one can basically leave any job with simple notice so why even think long term... but I simply do NOT see myself there in long term.

Most times i can force myself to meet the contract obligation but when i look around in the office i cannot see myself year after year here. The money is very good but i have zero give a crap about what i am doing or even doing a good job.


January 8th, 2020 at 01:47 pm

How often do you look around or actually observe the small piece of world around you??

I am very bored at work and I am trying to appease myself into staying at least half the year to my contract end date. I am running out of diversions to take up time. So I started to look around and observe co-workers to find what makes these people tick and make them seem ok with the boredom. ( many are not as bored as they seem to have difficulty doing the tasks or end up redoing several times)

BAD idea in this case but I have had places before that the people were interesting enough that made up for job issues. I almost feel like I am less inspired to stay here.
Do the people around you in job/ social circles inspire you (financially)?
or do you look around and think these people are why so many are in debt, live paycheck to paycheck and have NO plan.
While this company has a strict sounding training on NO insider trading their actions of late seem to defy it.
Upper management for months telling employees NOW is a good time to buy stock etc. Then since many employees are NOT in shape to go out and buy stock on their own they are now setting up and pushing an ESPP ( only for real employees not the many contractors they employ) makes me nervous at the mixed messages.

The products some still in testing etc seem to be a good bet but the actions lately of company seem to throw up red flags.....

making lemonade

December 17th, 2019 at 02:30 pm

I realize my posts have been a bit of a bummer and was used to vent my frustration but maybe i need to try to see the possibility of lemonade out of the lemons.

I have a home / my family is doing well/ my investments just reported huge dividends and capital gains (most in retirement accts) only a bit in taxable investments/ i do not need this job but it is affording me the opportunity to sock away money to meet some goals.

my car would not start (the battery was low) i had to wait about 30 plus minute but DH came and jumped the car.
I had raised the hood in parking lot but not one person whom was leaving work asked if i need help or anything. i was a bit surprised as the act so nice in the context of work. My DH reminded me that some people do not know how to do simple things like give a jump. Basic life skills they need to hire someone.

All in all I am good the reason this job is so boring is most around me make it harder then it is create problems that do not exist and if they live their life that way it must be awful.

careful for what you wish for

October 22nd, 2019 at 01:37 pm

So yesterday i was drafting a email to temp agency to let them know this job is insufferable.
I also met with manager at job and told him how frustrated i am that there is so little to do. He seemed shocked he thought what I was doing took more time he did not have any answer but wants to schedule more meetings..I gave him suggestions of how I might help but he was more interested in creating an agenda for our next meeting and turning my suggestions into a official sounding item.
I told him I worked through one list given to me from a co-worker and found half the people on list were no longer employed there.
All he said was "that is information management". I told him there are many other reports that might need to be gone through ..... he said maybe.
I do not have access to these why he would not just send to me to cut down these lists so they are accurate????
I was unhappy but told myself i would just give notice then .....
I needed to pick a couple items up at store and when got home DH had not even thought about helping cook or anything I blew up.
Later he told me he had an estimate to replace a 30 yr old furnace in our other home and it will take all of one of my EFs I have built up.
SO I guess I am stuck at this horrible job longer. I am beginning to wonder why?
I have been praying for a sign of what to do. sometimes I think things have a reason. when I was in another job that was supposed to last 6 months... I was approached with offer to apply for this JOB I passed because i had a job.
That job was over in about 5 weeks as the level of work was greatly exaggerated.
I simply answered a email about a different possible position to a different recruiter and the recruiters boss (who originally had tried over a month earlier) asked me to interview for this anyway I thought it was a sign as the job was still open and they are paying $5-6 more per hour so it was surprising to be open. (no one was ever hired so it was not they found out it sucked.) Maybe i need to stay longer when i finally was going to leave this $5000 estimate shows up.